League Boundaries



Northern City of Chula Vista Boundaries and/Second San Diego Aqueduct boundary east to Highway 125 South to Proctor Valley Road East the Upper Otay Reservoir.

South from Middle Upper Otay Reservoir south to the Middle of Lower Otay Reservoir to the San Diego County Line.

An Imaginary line extended southward from the Lower Otay Reservoir west along the San Diego County line west to the extension of Highway 125 North.

North from the San Diego County and Highway 125 North to Telegraph Canyon Road West to Rutgers Ave. North on Rutgers Ave. to Corral Canyon Road north to an imaginary line on northern City of Chula Vista boundary/Second San Diego Aqueduct.


The following schools are within the ELL boundaries and players who attend these school may play at ELL:

  • Arroyo Vista Elementary
  • Camarena Elementary
  • Eastlake Elementary
  • Eastlake Middle School
  • High Tech
  • Olympic View Elementary
  • Salt Creek Elementary
  • Thurgood Marshall Elementary