Board Positions

Board of directors

For a complete listing of responsibilities for the Board, please download and read Article VII of the ELL Constitution.

League Coordinators


  • Auxiliary Player Agents
  • Camp Director
  • Concessions Manager(s)
  • Division Reps
  • Equipment Coordinator
  • Event Coordinator(s)
  • Fall Ball Coordinator
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Groundskeeping
  • Post Season Coordinator
  • Scorekeeper Coordinator
  • Team Parent Coordinator
  • Tournament Coordinator
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Webmaster & Store Coordinator


Auxiliary Player Agents

  • Term duration can be for one season (spring or fall) or the year
  • Assist player agents in residency and age verification
  • Assist with pool player administration
  • Assist with pre-season draft and post season selection

Camp Director

  • Term duration for 1 year or 1 camp
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations to select and coordinate spring, summer and potentially winter break camps

Division Reps

  • Term duration is Spring season
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations with operation of the division during Spring season
  • Challenger, Teeball, Single A, Minor B, Minor A, Majors, Seniors

Equipment Coordinator(s)

  • Term duration can be for one season (spring or fall) or the year
  • Coordinate issuing of equipment for teams pre-season
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations during season to field any equipment questions
  • Coordinate return of equipment for teams post-season

Event Coordinators

  • Term duration one year or for specific events
  • Assist Executive VP with coordinating league events (e.g. Opening Day, Field of Screams, etc.)

Fall Ball Coordinator

  • Term duration one season (Fall season)
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations with planning and running Fall season

Fundraising Coordinator

  • Term duration is one year or one season.
  • As a sponsorship volunteer, assist Executive VP with obtaining sponsorships from businesses
  • As a grant writing volunteer, assist Executive VP with writing and obtaining grants
  • As a fundraising event volunteer, assist Executive VP with coordinating fundraising events such as restaurant nights and sports team nights


  • Term duration can be one season or the year
  • As a field maintenance volunteer, assist VP of Facilities with maintaining fields at ELL
  • As a campus beautification volunteer, assist VP of Facilities with maintaining the ELL campuses. This can include, plumbing, electrician, general maintenance

Post Season Coordinator

  • Term duration is the post season
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations with planning and running post season tournaments at ELL

Scorekeeper Coordinator

  • Term duration one season or the year
  • As Lead scorekeeper, ensure books are kept properly and supplies for books are kept up to date
  • As scorekeeper for a division, ensure books are kept properly and train volunteers to keep score in games

Snack Bar Coordinator

  • Term duration is one season or one year
  • Assist Executive VP and Snack Bar manager with running the snack bar
  • Assist Snack Bar manager with coordinating snack bar volunteers

Social Media Coordinator

  • Term duration is for one year
  • Assist the Executive VP with creating social media content (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Assist the Executive VP with distributing league updates via social media platforms
  • Explore expanding ELL social media footprint

Team Parent Coordinator

  • Term duration one season or one year
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations as the central contact point for all team parents

Tournament Coordinator

  • Term duration 1 tournament or 1 year
  • Assist VP of Baseball Operations with planning and running baseball tournaments on ELL fields

Webmaster & Store Coordinator

  • Term duration is for one year
  • Assist the Executive VP with maintaining the ELL website
  • Update website as needed
  • Coordinate with Social Media Coordinator to keep all league updates in sync