President March Report 2023 and New 2023 Constitution

Dear Eastlake LL Families,

This year has started off with the most rain we have seen in many years. Just as a small example in 2022 we got 5.5 inches in rain all year. This year as of March 29th we have gotten in Chula Vista 8.9 inches.  Our facility has been hit very hard but with the help of our volunteers our fields are going to be in good shape for the rest of the season.  If you have time, please reach out to any board member or me to help out at our facilities both Creekside and Junior Complex. We could use all the help we can get. Remember Little League is 100% volunteers and without you our kids wouldn’t be able to play at our amazing facilities.

Now, the reason for this email is that I’m attaching our New 2023 Constitution that needs to have membership approval.  This constitution has been vetted by two Boards 2022 / 2023 respectively, District 42 Admin, and finally Little League Western Region. Please look at the attached link or document. Then on April 16th expect a link to vote on it online.  Voting will be open for 1 week to give plenty of time to vote.  Each family will get 1 vote the person receiving the email will be the parent or guardian who registered your player. Once approved, I will send an updated final copy with League Approval Date to all of you and also have it posted on our league website.

I want to say thank to all of you for your patients with this season. Let’s make our 2023 season a memorable one for our players and all of you.


Best Regards,

David Ovadia

League President

“Before you complain…Have you volunteered yet???”

Eastlake Little League Constitution 2023-Need Members Approval – Link

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